
Friday, 12 April 2019

Facilitator Hui Term 1

Day 3

Manaiakalani - Te Ao Māori (15th/16th April)

Whanua engagement is NON-NEGOTIABLE. It's a given that at least x1 parent attends every school meeting and is actively involved in their child's learning journey. There are x3 whanau hui's per term, the first one being the 1st Monday evening of every term.
Sharing the "love" week - Week 3 Term 2 (cyber smart lessons)

Pat Snedden - you carry the mana, you are the treasures

Connections, Context, Authenticity and Relationships...

Day 2
Term 1 recap - Learn
Access and Engage with existing knowledge...

RATE my practice...


Recognise + Amplify + Turbocharge =                                                            EFFECTIVE PRACTICE
The Door

                                                                                                           Learning to Create to Learn

                                                                                  Motivate our TEACHERS to engage with the curriculum


Cognitive skills are required to Create and explore creative thinking. The majority of people do their best cognitive creativity as a response to doing doing. Create is designed to ENGAGE our learners.

Motivate our TEACHERS to motivate their learners to ENGAGE with the curriculum

  • Behaviourally engage them, by giving them something to DO (John Dewey)
  • Cognitively engage them (Dr Rebecca Jesson)

Engaging in creation means:
  • Engaging in thinking +
  • Engaging in metacognition +
  • Engaging in creativity + = Accelerated Progress

Doing coming first...and if it is the right doing for the child, it results in behavioural engagement = progress = accelerated progress

“Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn;
and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking;
learning naturally results.”

Cognitive engagement when young people are creating to learn..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Google Groups via Hangouts

Day 1

Create - Auckland Facilitators CCC

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Term 1 reflections - Smart Learner

and then....

Rm 5 Raranga Matihiko - Learning, Creating & Sharing with Te Papa

Rm 5 @ TPS Raranga Matihiko

On Thursday the 4th of April, our akomanga Te Puna Wairua were visited by Kaiako from the Whare Pupuri Taonga, (Auckland Museum) our kaiako were Whaea Waimiiria and Whaea Stacey they came in to teach us about the many digital technology that we can implement in learning with Manaiakalani to learn, create and share. They came in with iPapa and showed us our previous mahi that we had created at the Museum, which was the students digital pepeha. We created our digital pepeha by using Haakoritanga, Stop Motion, Karetao, Robots, Aarai Kaakaariki, Green Screen Room, Peita 3D, and Ao Mariko, Virtual Reality.

... a comment left on a blog post about his pepeha (from Te Papa)
Te Papa - Ranga-matihiko-weaving-digital-futures

Smart celebrations are the footprints of achievements...

Friday, 5 April 2019

Check out my updated posts by clicking on the tab found on the home page.