
Thursday, 26 July 2018

CoL Meeting T3.1 SHARE

Connected Learners Share 

Pedagogy - Learn Create Share.
Kaupapa- Ubiquitous, Connected, Empowered, Visible.

We need to build students who seek to improve learning as much as they seek to complete the task, teachers who evaluate their learning in the light of the sucess of their students' learning and a facualty that measure success by value added.

The language accelerator...
The English Language Learning Progressions nautilus diagram.

Q. How am I going to grow / revisit / maintain language and concepts?

Where is whanau engagement and how is language acquisition improoving? 

Learning is NOT occuring because…
Students know a lot but they don’t know much
Students can not see the bigger picture
Recycling needs to happen much more frequently
Scaffolding is not secure
Students don’t use others as peer models

Focus and Notice                      Attention to and noticing
Put in the effort                       Effortful and purposeful engagement and interaction
Take part - fuly                       All participating
Push yourself to the edge           Triggering the known to connect the new
Dig deep for what you know         Stretching the learners current language
Learn from others                      Multiple encounters
You share                               Context relevant
Think and talk / think and read        
Facilitate through tools of persons/tasks/activities/sources
Wonderings and askings

Lack of experiences
Lack of quality discussions from and within home
No front-loading or little front-loading
Not knowing what they don’t know
Quality of language is MORE important than quantity of language; heightened levels of complexity
Acceptance that they need more to be given more than they actually do

Need to move from what I had planned, and what was delivered, so therefore I need to refine my inquiry to accelerate a desired outcome!

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